Thursday, 22 March 2012

Spring weather is hard on 'old people'

Citizens of Prince Edward Island who have been revelling in record high March Break 2012 temperatures should consider the "old people" of their acquaintance, who find Spring a very trying season of the year!
According to this ad from the March 21, 1900, Daily Guardian for Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, many of the elderly are "hurried to their graves" during the break up of winter and the advent of spring. Their graves! 
Please consider this seasonal terror when enjoying your ice cappuccino or brushing the snow off your barbecue: the very sun's rays that seem to be putting a spring in your flip-flopped step can cause distress -- and bad breath -- to our previously robust and fragrant pensioners. 
Worse, we cannot say what today's answer to Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills might be.

Find Spring a very trying season of the year.
They can preserve their health and
strength by using Milburn's
Heart and Nerve Pills.
The breaking up of the winter and the advent of spring usually comes hard on the old. Their health seems to suffer severely at this time and many are hurried into their graves. But people advanced in years can prevent sickness and keep themselves hale and strong and in the enjoyment of good health by using Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills.
This remedy makes the blood rich, the nerves vigorous, and the heart strong, and should be used promptly on the first signs of declining health or strength.
Mr. Samuel Lane, 31 St. Patrick St., St. John, N.B., writes:
"I am now a man of nearly eighty years of age and enjoyed the best of health until a few years ago, when I began to feel distress after eating, and suffered greatly with indigestion, bad breath, etc.
"My friends recommended numerous remedies, but none of those I tried seemed to do me much good.
"Finally I started using Milburn's  Heart and Nerve Pills, and before I had finished the box they brought relief, so that I now can eat anything set before me without the least inconvenience. I was run down and nervous before taking these wonderful pills, but they have regulated my entire system, toned up my nerves, and restored healthy action of the heart, so that I am now feeling vigorous and strong."
 We hope that Mr. Samuel Lane continued to be vigorous after his discovery of these wonderful pills and that our 2012 octogenarians likewise have a healthy spring.

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