Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Ghost in the western parts

Here's a Halloween story from the Jan. 26, 1904 Guardian:

Ghost in the western parts
Has caused much excitement at Elmsdale

By knocking at the wall of a house --
Occupant of the house gives his very unpleasant experience.

ELMSDALE, P.E.I., Jan. 19 — There has been considerable excitement lately, at the residence of John McInnis of Miminegash Road, by the actions of an invisible being that has frequently visited his house and annoyed the family by a continual knocking on the walls and windows.
At first there was not much fear entertained by the family, as they supposed the knocking was caused by the action of the wind, or more probably by some of the neighbors' boys for a joke. But these suppositions proved to be wrong, and the excitement ran so high that Mr McInnis had serious thoughts of leaving the house.
In an interview with the correspondent, Mr McInnis stated:
The last visit "it" made us about a week ago. My brother and I determined to find out what it was. Soon after dark the knocking began as usual, so we went out, and on going around the house in opposite directions, met at the place where the knocking was still going on at a loud rate, the echoes sounding for quite a distance.
We made a careful examination of the place, but discovered nothing that would give us any clue to the strange mystery.
We told "it" to come in and knock on the table and at once the sound ceased outside and resumed operations on the table the sounds resembling that of a set of fanners at work.
Now, we said give the floor five knocks and at once five heavy knocks were heard on the floor. Different requests were made for a number of knocks on certain objects, and each request was promptly obeyed with the exact number of knocks. We then asked "it" to leave the house which it immediately did, and since that time we have not heard it.

The Guardian's Snapshots in Time supplement from Oct. 10 features this article in an item on ghost stories by Wayne Young. It is found in part 1 on page 6. View the supplement here:

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